Monday, July 13, 2015


I am realizing more and more that there is an all-out war going on. I'm posting this because we can't fight a battle that we don't know exists.

This war is being waged for the next generation--my generation. Our Enemy is doing his very best to make sure that we never see God's light. He's not taking it easy on us, starting before we are even born, before we have a chance to breathe. He succeeds at killing 3,000 unborn children in the US every single day.

If we are lucky enough to be born, he attacks us with poverty, disease, and slavery. If we make it through that, or if we are not exposed to it, he comes at us with depression, abuse, self-entitlement/"rights", the love of money, and complacency.

In short, Satan is doing everything in his power to keep youth from entering, and especially from advancing, God's kingdom. However, I have the feeling that there is a reason for his efforts. That reason is this: we are powerful. After all, who has the most potential? Unborn children. Who are the ones who will rebel and stand against him? Teenagers.

There is just one problem with his little plan: God. What Satan intends for harm, God uses for good. Satan is afraid of us because we are so strong. But when we stand through the trials and temptations that he throws at us in response to his fear, we become stronger. This is because God is not giving up on us. I believe that He is raising up a generation that is able to stand for Him even as the world draws to a close and collapses around us.

But we can't stand alone. We need people who are willing to teach us, trust us, and support us. We need to be taught how to cling to God no matter what; how to find ourselves and our role in Him. We need to be trusted with positions of leadership so that we know that we are capable, functioning members of the church, and that we are able to carry it onward into the next century. We need to be supported in this war we are in; to know that we are not facing it alone.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." ~Ephesians 6:10-13

"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." ~Ephesians 6:19-20

"I write to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name.
I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one.
I write to you, dear children, because you have known the Father.
I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning.
I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one." ~1 John 2:12-14

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chewing on Ears

I haven't been posting much lately, not because I haven't been learning anything, but because the things I'm learning are the sort of things that take longer to learn. There are some steps that God wants me to take in my life that get rid of some big habits of mine. The biggest one is that together God and I are trying to get rid of my cynical attitude and sense of humor. This includes the snide comments I make and the judgments that I make about people in my head. Unfortunately, I have made a habit of these things. However, to help me get rid of them, I think I'll post something that I wrote a few years ago. But first, I want to add some back story.

For a while, I dreamed about owning and running a dog training school, where we have dog-themed devotionals before each class. So I started stock-piling lessons that I have learned about being a Christian by observing my dogs. This is one of those lessons.

One night, my two dogs, Dixie and Mystery, were going through their regular bedtime routine. They had just been outside and were on the way to their kennels, where they sleep.
  Now, when given a command, Dixie is usually the first one of the two to obey it. When I call them in from the yard, Dixie comes running in the back door. But when she reaches it, she turns around and looks to see that Mystery is coming too. Then, as I keep calling Mystery in, Dixie runs back out and, being a shepherd, starts to chew on Mystery's ears and ankles while they run inside together. But she often throws Mystery off course before they reach me.
  On this particular night, my dad had told the dogs to go to bed, and Dixie rushed up the stairs, but waited at the top. She then proceeded to follow Mystery into the room, chewing on her ears the whole time. This made it so that Mystery made it into her kennel first. I turned to my mom and remarked that even though Mystery is usually slower at responding to commands, she is usually the first one to actually obey.
   Then I had the thought that that remark probably had some spiritual parallel/application. So I thought some more about it, and realized what it was.
  As Christians, we are usually fast to grow in one area of the faith or another. But sometimes when we're growing, we hinder our own growth and someone else's by judging them and trying to fix what we think they should improve on. That is kind of like when Dixie obeys me really quickly, but then turns back and starts shoving Mystery off course while trying to shepherd her towards me.
  Jesus talked about this problem, too. In Matthew 7:3-5 and in Luke 6:41-42, He rebukes people for trying to get a speck of dust out of their brothers' eyes, while all the time they had planks in their own. His point was, don't try to fix the sins that you perceive in your fellow Christians until you have repented for your own.
  Therefore, when we feel like giving advice to our brothers and sisters about how they can get further along the path they're on, especially if that advice wasn't asked for, we need to pray and ask God if that is his plan, or if we would just be hindering our fellow's progress like Dixie does.

Journey of Faith- A Word from God

Every couple of weeks, there's a prophet named Howard who visits my church with his wife. I have learned that every time he shows up, it is because God has a message for my church and wants him to give it. He usually gives it during worship, and I have discovered that God tells me it is about to happen a few moments in advance.

All this happened this past Sunday, the 5th. This time, however, God told me that the message was about to be told, and instructed me to get out my phone and record it. So I did.

Yesterday (Monday), I listened to the recording and wrote down what was spoken. It is very encouraging, so I wanted to share it with you all. Here it is:

The very existance, the very DNA of God is love. He has loved you with an everlasting love.
He will never let you go. As long as you trust in him he will surely bring you through this life's journey.
He says to you, "Be joyful as you take the journey through life. In good times; through difficulties and times of great joy and high places. And I am with you always no matter what you face. So take this journey in faith, knowing that the Lord your God is the author and finisher of your faith. And he will bring you through no matter what goes on in this world. You are a free people, you've been set free by the power, and the might, and the glory of God.
You're his children. You are different. The world hates you because it hated me. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. And I have given you faith to be persistent, and to keep your eye upon the destination as you journey through life. Be not discouraged or dismayed with the things, the dark things that will come upon this earth. For have I not said that they would happen, and I told you before they would happen so that you would know and prepare yourself.
So be not dismayed. The things that you see, and the things that will happen. But keep journeying on in faith, and love, and in kindness. And be kind one to another and love one another. And keep pressing toward the mark.
For I have overcome, and I have made you overcomers as you keep your eye on the great city that I have prepared for you. For it will be yours soon. And the worlds of this kingdom will become the Lord's. So rejoice! For the Lord is still in control over all things!" Amen, amen, amen (this is how Howard finishes all is prophecies).