Every couple of weeks, there's a prophet named Howard who visits my church with his wife. I have learned that every time he shows up, it is because God has a message for my church and wants him to give it. He usually gives it during worship, and I have discovered that God tells me it is about to happen a few moments in advance.
All this happened this past Sunday, the 5th. This time, however, God told me that the message was about to be told, and instructed me to get out my phone and record it. So I did.
Yesterday (Monday), I listened to the recording and wrote down what was spoken. It is very encouraging, so I wanted to share it with you all. Here it is:
The very existance, the very DNA of God is love. He has loved you with an everlasting love.
He will never let you go. As long as you trust in him he will surely bring you through this life's journey.
He says to you, "Be joyful as you take the journey through life. In good times; through difficulties and times of great joy and high places. And I am with you always no matter what you face. So take this journey in faith, knowing that the Lord your God is the author and finisher of your faith. And he will bring you through no matter what goes on in this world. You are a free people, you've been set free by the power, and the might, and the glory of God.
You're his children. You are different. The world hates you because it hated me. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. And I have given you faith to be persistent, and to keep your eye upon the destination as you journey through life. Be not discouraged or dismayed with the things, the dark things that will come upon this earth. For have I not said that they would happen, and I told you before they would happen so that you would know and prepare yourself.
So be not dismayed. The things that you see, and the things that will happen. But keep journeying on in faith, and love, and in kindness. And be kind one to another and love one another. And keep pressing toward the mark.
For I have overcome, and I have made you overcomers as you keep your eye on the great city that I have prepared for you. For it will be yours soon. And the worlds of this kingdom will become the Lord's. So rejoice! For the Lord is still in control over all things!" Amen, amen, amen (this is how Howard finishes all is prophecies).
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